Day 92: Banishing winter blues

Being mindful when exploring a local park on my soul stroll:

Needing to banish my January blues and hormonal grumps, I practically forced myself out of the house this morning.

With the perfect winter’s day of crisp blue sky and smiling sunshine, I borrowed dad’s car and went on a mission to find some soothing nature to lift my spirits.

I decided to go and explore a nearby park which I’ve never been to before. The crazy thing is that the edge of the park is probably only a 5 minute drive from the house, but the main entrance and car park is right over the other side of the park. But still, is only around 15 mins drive.

I’ve also felt a little apprehensive about visiting on my own as it’s near a rather unsavoury area, but today I was feeling brave and courageous.

And it was the best decision ever!

Immediately after driving through the park gates, I felt soothed by my surroundings of lush green fields and trees galore.

After parking up, my inner water magnet pulled me towards the fishing lake and I set off down a magical tree-lined pathway, with the glorious sun dappling through the trees:

magical pathway.jpg

As the pathway ended, I crossed the empty football fields, and with the early morning frost crunching underfoot, I spied my shadow and fulfilled my curiosity to see how I’d look with longer legs:

long legs

I reached the two fishing lakes and was heartened to see them filled with ducks and a couple of magnificent swans. As I wandered down to where they were to say hello, they glided over to me to make friends. I gently explained I didn’t have any yummy treats with me today, but promised to bring some swan-friendly fodder with me next time. They seemed ok with that…

swan friends.JPG

Well maybe not so much as they immediately ducked into the water to show me their behinds!

ducking swans.jpg

Enough said!

As I walked around the lake, I was excited to hear some gushing water and went to explore: I found a brilliant waterfall and climbed down the slippery, muddy slope to get a little closer. The sound was music to my soul; hypnotic and deeply soothing:


I continued my journey onwards around the lake, and up alongside the adjoining lake. I inadvertently disturbed two little ducks hiding in the reeds (doing what, I do not know!), and they zoomed across the water in an attempt to escape:

escaping ducks.JPG

As I followed the stream, the path took me into the woodland area to find more peace and tranquility:

peaceful stream

Leaving the woods behind, I began my walk back towards the carpark, pausing to reflect on the magnificence of this tree:

magnificent tree

And taking in the brilliance of this blue sky:

crisp blue sky.JPG

Before heading back home, I enjoyed a cuppa in the park’s clubhouse and vowed that I would return again, very very soon.

So with this in mind, my happy for today is being mindful when exploring a local park on my soul stroll.

Day 81: First snow

Being mindful of the first snow shower of the season:

Wide awake at 4:30 with a mind like a monkey
I pull back the curtains to breathe in this new day
A sprinkle of winter magic makes my heart gasp
A light dusting of snow sits gently on the grass

A soul stroll at noon awakens my senses
I spy birds’ nests perched high upon the bare branches
My babbling brook full to the brim, near overflowing
Icy shards crunch with each step, my spirit is soaring

birds nest

icy shards


Day 76: Appreciating autumn

Being mindful of autumn’s glorious beauty:

As I’ve been feeling pretty down in the dumps recently, I mentally flicked through my healing tools this morning searching for the best cheer-me-upper.

I decided upon a soul stroll.

And with the sun gloriously shining and the rainbow of colours still abound, it was the perfect choice. I realised there’s nothing like a soul stroll in the autumn sunshine to lift my spirits and feed my soul.

I have to confess, I’ve never been a big fan of autumn and feel that this year is the first year I have really truly appreciated this stunning visual treat of a season.

In the past, autumn has simply signalled the end of warmer, sunnier and happier days, and the beginning of colder, darker and murkier ones.

But as I’ve been focusing on appreciating the present moment over the past few months, I am relishing the dramatic palette of colours this season brings.

Every day I am in awe of the transformation from nature’s greens into the glorious shades of reds, oranges and yellows.

rainbow of autumn colours

I’ve rediscovered my inner childlike delight by swishing through the carpets of crunchy leaves, and the joy of leaf rubbing with my nephews.

crunching leaves

And I love keeping my eyes open for those intricate spider webs, the flashes of squirrels as they dart around hunting for their winter stash, and the cute little toadstools popping up in random patches of grass.


I am so grateful to have finally woken up to this season’s unique ability to turn the world into one big colourful canvas with nature’s paintbrush.

So with this in mind, my happy for today is being mindful of appreciating the sheer beauty of autumn.

Day 65: Baby moles

Being grateful for seeing two baby moles playing in the grass:

Oh my, my heart is bursting with joy.

Today, I stopped for a soul stroll in the beautiful Bramcote Hills Park to enjoy the autumn colours in full bloom.

I wandered over to an enclosed area which houses a fallen down tree and is a designated wildlife area.

As I was reading the plaque, I heard an excitable squealing noise.

I glanced down and saw the most precious sight: two baby moles playfully rolling around together in the long grass.

I know!

They were having so much fun.

Thankfully I already had my camera ready in my hand and managed to snap the little cuties in full play before they disappeared as fast as they’d arrived.

I feel so privileged as I realise how rare it is to see these nocturnal creatures. I can’t stop smiling and thinking about it: what a treat and precious moment to treasure.

So with this in mind, my happy for today is being grateful for seeing two baby moles playing in the grass.

Day 56: Walking barefoot

Being mindful while walking barefoot on my soul stroll:

To celebrate this glorious first day of October, I couldn’t resist going for a short soul stroll. And today I decided to slip off my fit flops and go barefoot.

I’ve always preferred to be shoeless, and have wanted to walk barefoot on the grassy part of my stroll for ages. But as it’s a popular spot for dog walkers and litterbugs, I’ve been too weary of stepping on something I’d rather not!

But today with the grass freshly cut, I could see what was ahead of me and decided to go for it.

And it felt wonderful. Really wonderful.

As I began, I found I was treading very cautiously and carefully scanning the ground for potential hazards. But with each step I grew in confidence and relaxed into my stroll.

It felt powerfully grounding, as my body connected with the earth.

Walking barefoot on soil, grass or sand is known as ‘earthing’.  As the soles of our feet contain thousands of nerve endings, they are stimulated by the textures and temperature on the ground. Fascinating stuff.

And research suggests tons of health benefits including increasing anti-oxidants and reducing inflammation. Love it!

Plus, it’s tons of fun, and I felt truly alive and free!

barefoot by the brook

When I lived by the beach in Australia, I used to walk barefoot on the sand every day. Now I’m living near the countryside, I’m intending to walk shoeless on the grass as often as the English weather allows. Even if I can just do a little barefoot walk around the garden in the coming colder months.

So with this in mind, my happy for today is being mindful while walking barefoot on the grass.

Day 49: Autumn days

Being mindful on an early morning autumn soul stroll:

autumn soul stroll
Autumn Days

Morning shadows speckled on the ground,
Rays of sunshine warming all around.
Autumn leaves falling from the trees,
White-feathered angels blowing in the breeze.

Blades of grass glistening with the dew,
Cows all grazing, what a lovely view.
Juicy plump blackberries waiting to be eaten,
All of Mother Nature embracing this new season.


Day 46: Life’s magnificence

Being mindful on my soul stroll in between rain showers:

One of my new favourite things is going for a walking meditation in nature just after a rain shower.

There’s something really magical about the vividness of the colours and the intensity of the smells, which even has its own name: petrichor.

The air is fresher, the grass greener, the sky bluer and the vividness and fragrance of the flowers more intoxicating.

It’s pure bliss.

I loved today’s soul stroll in between the showers, my senses came alive and my spirits lifted. I immediately felt lighter and brighter.

I’m so grateful to have taken myself for this wander through such beauty: the fast-flowing brook, the red rose reaching for the sky, and my mum’s double begonia sparkling with rain drops.

fast-flowing brook

red rose reaching for the sky

double begonia

And as I gazed at the magnificent trees set against the blue sky, I took a moment to take a breath and appreciate the magnificence of life.

magnificent trees

So with this in mind, my happy for today is being mindful on my soul stroll in between rain showers.