Kindness Calendar: November 2017

Hello lovelies and a huge shiny welcome to November ♡

I hope October overflowed with kindness for you, and you are ready to greet this brand new month and all that it brings.

I hope for those of you in the southern hemisphere you’re enjoying the warmer days of spring, and in the northern hemisphere you’re enjoying Mother Nature’s stunning display of autumnal colours, here’s a few snaps I took at my favourite Japanese Garden last week:

Onto some fun and interesting facts about our new month ahead:

  • The name derives from the latin ‘novem’ which means nine, as November was the ninth month of the year in the ancient Roman calendar.
  • November is the only month used to represent a letter in the phonetic alphabet.
  • In 1863, US President Abraham Lincoln, declared the last Thursday of November to be a National Day of Thanksgiving.
  • This month has two birthstones: Topaz comes in many colours, but it is the orange-yellow topaz that is the traditional birthstone for November. Topaz is a symbol of friendship. Citrine is also a November birthstone. Named after the French word for ‘lemon’, citrine is also yellow-orange in colour and is known to awaken imagination and creativity.
    topaz and citrine.jpg
  • The flower of November is the chrysanthemum. The word comes from the Greek words chrys, meaning golden, the original colour of the chrysanthemum, and anthemum, which means flower. As you can see, the chrysanthemum symbolises optimism and joy: 
  • November’s astrological signs are Scorpio, from 23rd October to 21st November, and Sagittarius which runs from 22nd November to 21st December.
  • If you were born in November you may share a birthday with: 2nd Marie Antoinette; 5th Vivien Leigh; 7th Marie Curie; 11th Leonardo DiCaprio; 12th Grace Kelly; 14th Claude Monet; 17th Martin Scorsese; 18th Mickey Mouse’; 22nd George Eliot and Billie Jean King; 26th Tina Turner; 27th Jimi Hendrix; 30th Mark Twain and Sir Winston Churchill.


And here is November’s Kindness Calendar:

Kindness Calendar - November 2017 FINAL

And you can download it for free here: 

Kindness Calendar: November 2017
Kindness Calendar: November 2017

(Please note if you subscribe to my blog and are receiving this post by email, please click here to come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Every single extra act of kindness counts, as together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.. please share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Wishing you a nourishing November, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well as to others… we are definitely worth it!

Thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.
Love+hugs, Helen ☆♡☆

Kindness Calendar: October 2017

Hello lovelies and Hello to October ♡

I hope you had a Sensational September, sparkling with kindness.

My month was pretty much a washout due to a flare up of CFS symptoms, but after a month of almost complete rest, I’m feeling a little more recharged and hopeful for this brand new month ahead.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, we’ve welcomed autumn in and Mother Nature has already started to put on her spectacular art show…


I’m such a sunshine summer girl, but seeing all the stunning colours of autumn softens the blow a little of summer ending, and I couldn’t help but choose a pretty autumnal leaf design for this month’s kindness calendar.

Here are some interesting facts about the new month ahead: 

  • October received it’s name from the Latin numeral ‘octo’ which means number eight, as in the Roman calendar it was the eighth month.
  • The Anglo-Saxons named it Winterfylleth, which means ‘fullness of winter’ because it had the first full moon of the winter season.
  • This month’s gemstones are the semi-precious stone Opal, known as the Queen of Gems as it encompasses the colours of all the other gems, and Tourmaline which comes in a rainbow of colours – my favourite is Paraiba Tourmaline, a relatively new discovery with striking ocean-like blues and greens.October Birthstones.jpg
  • October’s flower is the Calendula, the common marigold, and symbolises comfort, gratitude, grace and good luck. It’s known for its medicinal and healing properties. marigold trio.jpg
  • Astrologically October starts in Libra (23rd Sept – 22nd Oct) and ends in Scorpio (23rd Oct – 21st Nov)
  • Oktoberfest, which features live music, games, amusement rides, beer tents, and a traditional Bavarian fair, is a 16 day festival which starts late September and ends early October. It began in 1810 when Prince Ludwig of Bavaria invited his people to celebrate his marriage to Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen. Believe it or not, the largest beer drinking festival in the world was originally alcohol-free!
  • Halloween began as a Celtic pagan festival of Samhain, which means ‘the end of summer’ . It was part of the ancient Celtic religion in Britain and other parts of Europe. On All Hallows’ Eve – the night before All Saints’ Day on 1st November – the Celts had a big party, which was all about scaring away the ghosts and spirits. The holiday became popular in the United States when Irish immigrants arrived during the 19th century.
  • More US presidents have been born in October than in any other month: Jimmy Carter, 1st October 1924; Rutherford B. Hayes, 4th October 1822; Chester A. Arthur, 5th October 1829; Dwight D. Eisenhower, 14th October 1890; Theodore Roosevelt, 27th October 1858; and John Adams, 30th October 1735
  • Famous October birthdays include: 2nd Gandhi, 1869; 7th Desmond Tutu, 1931; 8th Jesse Jackson 1941; 9th John Lennon, 1940; 11th Eleanor Roosevelt, 1884; 13th Margaret Thatcher, 1925; 16th Oscar Wilde, 1854; 25th Pablo Picasso, 1881; Hilary Clinton, 1947; 27th Captain James Cook, 1728; and 28th Bill Gates, 1955

sources:,,,,, opal by Rob Lavinsky,, 

Here is October’s Kindness Calendar:

Kindness Calendar October 2017.jpg

And you can download it for free here: 

Kindness Calendar October 2017
Kindness Calendar October 2017

(Please note if you subscribe to my blog and are receiving this post by email, please click here to come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Kindness Advent Calendar 2017

One final note: as my thoughts start turning towards this year’s Kindness Advent Calendar, I’d love to hear your favourite kindness acts. Which kindness acts would you like to see on this year’s Advent Calendar? Let me know and I’ll do my best to include them. I’m also thinking of including an optional donation of £1/$1 to a charity which promotes kindness – I’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Let’s have a fun month, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Have an OUTSTANDING OCTOBER and thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.

Kindness Calendar: September 2017

Hello lovelies and Hello to Sensational September ♡

I really hope your August was truly amazing and was brimming with kindness.

It’s been a busy but fun-filled month here with having my nephews during the school holidays. My energy levels have taken quite a battering and I’m having a little relapse, but I’ve had some lovely times and precious memories to hold dear in my heart.

After such positive feedback about August’s fun facts, I thought I’d find some about September:

  • Its name comes from ‘septum’, the Latin for seven, as it was the seventh month in the Roman calendar, and originally had only 29 days.
  • September is the only month with the same number of letters in its name as the number of the month: it is the ninth month and has nine letters.
  • The sacred sapphire is this month’s birth stone and is known for its wisdom and royal connections. A symbol of power and strength, wise judgment and kindness (yay!), this gorgeous blue gem – which also comes in green, pink, purple, clear, and even black – is believed to bring protection, good fortune and spiritual insight.Shades-of-Sapphire.png
  • This month has passionate birth flowers: the daisy-like Aster, a symbol of powerful love and once burned to ward off serpents; the trumpet-shaped Morning Glory, a symbol of affection but you have to be early in the day to catch them bloom; and Forget-Me-Nots which represent love and memories, and a gift of these pretty little flowers symbolises true love. september birth flowers.jpg
  • In this month in 1900 the Wizard of Oz was first published; in 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered the drug Penicillin, while Disney favourite Mickey Mouse made his first debut; and in 1948, The United Nation’s World Health Organisation was founded.
  • September marks the beginning of autumn in the Northern hemisphere and the start of spring in the Southern hemisphere.
  • In the UK, September 26 is the most common birthday for people born in the last 20 years, and on an average September day more babies are born in the US than on a day in any other month.
  • This month’s zodiac signs are earth-sign Virgo (August 23-September 22) and air-sign Libra (September 23-October 22) and those born in September share a birth month with: 4th Beyonce Knowles; 7th Queen Elizabeth I; 9th Michael Bublé; 10th Karl Lagerfeld; 13th Roald Dahl; 15th Agatha Christie; 16th Lauren Bacall; 18th Greta Garbo; 21st Stephen King, Leonard Cohen; 22nd Andrea Bocelli; 23rd Bruce Springsteen; 24th F. Scott Fitzgerald; 26th Ivan Pavlov, T. S. Eliot; 28th Brigitte Bardot, Confucius; 30th Truman Capote; and many many more.

* Sources:,,

Here is September’s Kindness Calendar:

Kindness Calendar September 2017 new

And you can download it for free here:

Kindness Calendar – September 2017
Kindness Calendar – September 2017

(Please note if you subscribe to my blog and are receiving this post by email, please click here to come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

This month’s kindness quote comes from the inspirational Louise Hay, who sadly passed away this week. Louise has had a profoundly positive impact on my life, and I thought it would be a lovely tribute to make her part of this month’s calendar ♡

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Have an SENSATIONAL SEPTEMBER and thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.

Kindness Calendar: August 2017

Hello lovelies and Hello to Amazing August ♡

I hope your July was joyful, jovial and jubilant!

I’m still struggling with a CFS symptom flare-up, and am thanking my past self for creating this month’s Kindness Calendar in advance, making the most of those short snippets of time whenever I had some energy.

Here are some fun facts about our new month ahead:

  • In the early Roman calendar August was the 6th month and was called Sextilis. When it became the 8th month of the year, it was renamed August after Augustus Caesar in honour of the founder of the Roman Empire
  • August never starts on the same day as any other month except on a leap year, when it starts on the same day as February
  • This month’s flowers are the poppy and the gladioulus (gladioli) – whose name derives from the Latin ‘gladius’ which means sword after its sword-shaped leaves
  • August has two birthstones: one of the oldest known gemstones the olive/lime peridot is associated with prosperity and good fortune, and said to possess healing properties, and the reddish zebra-striped sardonyx which is used for courage, happiness, and clear communication, and can provide strength and protection
  • One of the most popular months for birthdays, those born in August fall under the sun zodiac signs of dramatic, creative and outgoing Leo, and loyal, hardworking and analytical Virgo. Famous birthdays include: Mother Teresa; Alfred Tennyson; Enid Blyton; Dorothy Parker; US Presidents – Bill Clinton, Benjamin Harrison, Herbert Hoover, Lyndon Johnson and Barack Obama; Tony Bennet; Madonna; Louis Armstrong; Sean Connery; Robert Redford; Coco Chanel; and Usain Bolt
  • It was during the month of August that women won the right to vote, India became independent, Hawaii became a state, and World War II ended
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech was delivered on August 28, 1963
  • In the Northern Hemisphere it’s said that: “If the first week in August is unusually warm, the coming Winter will be snowy and long.” – unknown. And in the Southern Hemisphere, August is the seasonal equivalent of February in the Northern Hemisphere
  • There will be a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on 7th August which may highlight emotions, home life and partners, and a New Moon Solar Eclipse on 21st August, an ideal time for a fresh start.

Here is August’s Kindness Calendar:

Kindness Calendar August 2017

And you can download it for free here:

Kindness Calendar August 2017
Kindness Calendar August 2017

(Please note if you subscribe to my blog and are receiving post this by email, please click here to come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, or Twitter and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Have an AMAZING AUGUST and thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.


Kindness Calendar: July 2017

Hello lovelies and Hello July ♡

First of all I’d like to say a big warm THANK YOU for all your wonderful well wishes and kind words.

I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to respond to every lovely message – I’m still having to keep my screen time down to an absolute minimum, but please know that each and every message is warmly received and deeply appreciated.

Hearing from you really does brighten my day, especially when I’m having to spend the day lying in a dark, quiet room as I journey through these new debilitating symptoms of vertigo and headaches.

Unfortunately, I still have the symptoms. Although I did enjoy a short respite when my GP gave me some temporary medication to see if it would help.

Although I prefer not to take this kind of medication if I can help it – I’ll always choose to explore natural healing methods first – I was persuaded to give it a go as I so desperately wanted the dizziness to stop.

I was given a week’s supply, and it seemed to work… but when I finished the packet, the symptoms soon came back.

So I’m currently exploring possible causes (eye strain, inner ear imbalance, trapped/damaged nerve), but I’ve also read that vertigo and headaches are common symptoms of CFS. So I may have to simply accept them and gracefully ride this wave.

During my symptom-free week, I felt well enough to gently and slowly create July’s Kindness Calendar, being mindful of keeping screen time short and sweet.

And so without further ado, here it is… my Kindness Calendar for July 2017:

Kindness Calendar July 2017

And you can download it for free here:

Kindness Calendar: July 2017
Kindness Calendar: July 2017

(Please note if you subscribe to my blog and are receiving post this by email, please click to come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, or Twitter and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Have an JOY-FILLED JULY and thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.


Kindness Calendar: June 2017

Hello lovelies

Unfortunately I’ve not been well enough to create a Kindness Calendar for June.

I’ve been experiencing strong headaches and vertigo-type symptoms for a few weeks now, and even the shortest amount of screen-time brings these debilitating symptoms on (it’s taken me a few minutes a day over a few days to write this teensy weensy post!).

It’s pretty frustrating, scary and isolating, but I’m hoping with enough rest, a little time and oodles of gentle loving patience, this too shall pass.

If you’d like to spread a little kindness in June, I have a few ideas:

  1. Check out my previous Kindness Calendars and pick out your favourite kindness acts from each, or even redo your favourite month

    Kindness Calendars Collage Dec-May.jpg

  2. Make up your own acts of kindness (I’d love to hear about them)

  3. Be spontaneous with your acts of kindness. Look out for opportunities to be kind to others throughout the day

And please don’t forget to be kind to yourself.
Have a truly Joyful June and see you next month.

Thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.


Kindness Calendar: May 2017

Hello lovelies and Hello to Magnificent May ♡

Here are some fun facts about May:

  1. Thе name Mау is believed to generate frоm Mаіа, the Greek goddess of fertility. She also hарреnѕ tо bе thе Goddess of Spring аnd Grоwth.
  2. May’s birthstone is the emerald which symbolises love and success.
  3. The flower for May is Lily of the Valley. In the “language of flowers”, the lily of the valley signifies the return of happiness. Legend tells of the affection of a Lily of the Valley for a nightingale that did not come back to the woods until the flower bloomed in May.
  4. No other month begins or ends on the same day of the week during the year as May does.
  5. May Day – the first day of the month – marks the halfway point between the northern hemisphere’s first day of spring and the summer solstice.
  6. Sоmе Nаtіvе Amеrісаn tribes called the Mау full moon Thе Full Flоwеr Mооn, The Cоrn Plаntіng Mооn or thе Mіlk Mооn.
  7. According to old superstitions, you should not buy a broom, wash blankets or get married in May: “Marry in May and you’ll rue the day”!!

[Facts courtesy of and]

Here is May’s Kindness Calendar:

Kindness Calendar May 2017

And you can download it for free here:

Kindness Calendar – May 2017
Kindness Calendar – May 2017

(Please note if you subscribe to my blog and are receiving this post by email, please click here or come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, or Twitter and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Have an MARVELLOUS MAY and thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.


You can download May’s Kindness Calendar here:

Kindness Calendar – May 2017
Kindness Calendar – May 2017

Kindness Calendar: April 2017

Hello lovelies ♡

I hope you had the most Marvellous March and are enjoying the change of season, whether you’re in the northern or southern hemisphere.

As a warmer weather, lighter days, kind of girl, I’m delighted to be seeing all the signs of spring here in the UK (although at the time of writing it’s misty and drizzly but you get my drift!!).

And so April is upon us, and with Easter being on its way, my Kindness Calendar for this month is eggstra-special 🙂

Kindness Calendar April 2017 teaser

You can download it for free here:

Kindness Calendar – April 2017
Kindness Calendar – April 2017

(Please note if you kindly subscribe to my blog and are receiving this post by email, please click to come through to the main site and you can download it easily from there.)

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, or Twitter and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!


Thank you so much for your kindness.


Kindness Calendar – April 2017
Kindness Calendar – April 2017

Kindness Calendar – March 2017

Does anyone else feel like we’re galloping though this year? While I try to live in the present moment, I can’t help but feel a tad taken aback that March is already here!

But I’m very happy as March is one of my favourite months of the year.

I’m especially delighted that it means winter is almost behind us and spring is on its way.  I’ve been hunting for signs of spring on my soul strolls for a while now, and am rejoicing at seeing the daffs and the crocuses brightening up my neighbourhood.

I’m also thankful the days are becoming lighter and longer. It’s lovely waking up to see some pretty stunning sunrises, as I can now see the early morning sun rising from the comfort on my very own bed.

Yes, there’s definitely a sense of spring in the air and everyone seems to have a little more spring in their step.


And I also love that March is my birthday month. I’m a self-confessed Birthday Princess – and urge everyone else to be one too (or a Birthday Prince of course!).

After all, aren’t we worth celebrating!

I love having birthday adventures and enjoy plotting how I can celebrate being on our beautiful Earth for another year.  My most memorable birthday adventures include a helicopter ride over the awe-inspiring Grand Canyon, being on a yoga retreat in spiritual Bali, and turning thirty in New York City was pretty special too.

But obviously with the limitations that having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome brings, my birthdays have been a lot more low key recently, but no less enjoyable – just in a different way. And nothing really beats having my young munchkin nephews gleefully singing Happy Birthday and then “helping” me blow out all the candles 🙂

And so with this new month approaching, I’ve been busily working on March’s Kindness Calendar over the last few days. And I’m pretty excited to include a few ideas from some wonderful folk from my ‘spreading a little kindness’ Facebook community.

A big thank you to everyone who’s contributed. I’ve saved a couple for next month, so keep an eye out if you can’t spot yours in this month’s calendar! Please do keep them coming as I’m always delighted to hear your ideas, suggestions and any favourites you may have.

Ok, here’s my Kindness Calendar for March 2017:

Kindness Calendar March 2017

And you can download it for free here:

Kindness Calendar – March 2017
Kindness Calendar – March 2017

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, or Twitter and if you post about your kindness act, please use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar so we can all keep track of all the wonderful kindness we are sharing.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Have a Magnificent March and thank you so much for your kindness.


Kindness Calendar – March 2017
Kindness Calendar – March 2017

A Little Note to my Lovely Email Subscribers:
I’m so sorry the link to download the calendar on my email didn’t work. Eeeek!! I’m trying a new download tool and for some reason, it didn’t want to be included in the email! And I didn’t know until it was too late. I’ll hopefully be able to work out the problem for next month’s calendar. Thank you for your patience and understanding ♡

Kindness Calendar – February 2017

Hello kindness warriors!

I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful January and remembered to be kind to yourself as well as to others.

An incredible 12,000 kind folk downloaded January’s Kindness Calendar, which equates to a potential 300,000 acts of kindness. Which is pretty amazing, especially during a month where a lot of people suffer from the January blues – so a huge THANK YOU for making a difference and for making so many people smile.

My heart is so full of gratitude for all the kindness you are spreading all over the world.

I’m happy to report that I’m feeling much better after my quiet and restful month. I’m grateful for the reminder that I need to go gently and slowly. So while I might not be online as much as I’d like to be, I am always, always, cheering you on from my bed!

And now we’re into February ♡

As you’ll see, I couldn’t resist the ‘love’ theme seeing as it’s Valentine’s Day and all. And what a perfect opportunity to show those we love how much we love them – partners, friends, family, children and pets alike!

But most of all, please don’t forget to show yourself some BIG love this month too!

It’s also Random Act of Kindness Week from 12th-18th February and Random Act of Kindness Day on Friday 17th. Yay 🙂 So let’s make an even bigger impact by spreading a little more kindness and making even more folk smile.

Please do let me know if you’re planning anything – you can post on my ‘Spreading A Little Kindness’ facebook community page. I love to hear what you’re getting up to, and I know everyone else does too.

So here’s February’s Kindness Calendar:

Kindness Calendar February 2017 FINAL

To download your free copy, please click on this link: Kindness-Calendar-February-2017.pdf (11098 downloads )

As always, I try to make the acts on my Kindness Calendars quick, easy and cheap (well, mostly free actually). So anyone and everyone can join in.

You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, adapt the acts to suit you, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.

But even if every one of us manages to do just one kindness act on one day this month – imagine how amazing that would be!

Again, it would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media. 🙂

Every single extra act of kindness counts, together we are making the world a kinder place. So let’s get as many people as we can involved.

And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, or Twitter and don’t forget to use the hashtag #KindnessCalendar.

Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!

Thank you so much.


To download your free copy of February’s Kindness Calendar, please click on this link: Kindness-Calendar-February-2017.pdf (11098 downloads )