Kindness Calendar: June 2017

Hello lovelies

Unfortunately I’ve not been well enough to create a Kindness Calendar for June.

I’ve been experiencing strong headaches and vertigo-type symptoms for a few weeks now, and even the shortest amount of screen-time brings these debilitating symptoms on (it’s taken me a few minutes a day over a few days to write this teensy weensy post!).

It’s pretty frustrating, scary and isolating, but I’m hoping with enough rest, a little time and oodles of gentle loving patience, this too shall pass.

If you’d like to spread a little kindness in June, I have a few ideas:

  1. Check out my previous Kindness Calendars and pick out your favourite kindness acts from each, or even redo your favourite month

    Kindness Calendars Collage Dec-May.jpg

  2. Make up your own acts of kindness (I’d love to hear about them)

  3. Be spontaneous with your acts of kindness. Look out for opportunities to be kind to others throughout the day

And please don’t forget to be kind to yourself.
Have a truly Joyful June and see you next month.

Thank you so much for spreading a little more kindness.


38 thoughts on “Kindness Calendar: June 2017”

  1. Hope you feel better! I get headaches too from light because my eyes are sensitive to it so I understand how frustrating it is. Hope you feel better soon! Thank you for sharing these great calendars!

  2. Helen I’m sad to hear how you have been feeling.. may it improve soon x
    …a big thank you for your Kindness Calendars xx

  3. Hi Helen, sorry to hear you’re feeling this! I suffer from a vestibular disorder which brings on vertigo (dizzy attacks), painful tinnitus, headaches and nausea so I can certainly understanding the dehabilitation. Wishing you well and sending light and love your way. Thank you for your inspiration and the time and effort which goes into making these kindness calendars, it’s a great idea and very much appreciated! Hope you feel better soon xx

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Odette. I’m so sorry to hear you suffer from vertigo and hope you’re able to manage the symptoms. Hugs to you Xxx

    1. Thank you so much Jenny, it always makes me happy to hear such lovely feedback on my calendars. Hugs to you Xxx

  4. Wishing you well very soon & sending
    gratitude for all the beauty & kindness you create so lovingly. Katy xx

  5. We hope you feel better soon, we printed your calendar every month and put it up in the office. All the best from Christine, Susan and Anna in Germany

  6. Oh lovely Helen I’m so sorry to hear that. Thinking of you. Be gentle with yourself and know you are surrounded by our love and well wishes. Big hugs xxx

  7. Dear Helen, I wish you to recover soon and please don’t worry about​ June calendar, you already gave us lots of ideas, kindness and inspiration! Environment month will keep several of us busy in June…Warm well-being wishes, Sophie

  8. Thank you for your kindness ideas, they are always good and May you receive back from us who read them, good thoughts, love and wishes for your recovery very soon.

  9. I have so enjoyed sharing your calendar each month to my face book friends and appreciate your effort to create them. I hope you get to feeling much better very soon. Sending you positive energy!

    1. Thank you so much Wendy. It’s always so lovely to hear how people enjoy the calendars and it inspires me to keep on creating them Xxx

  10. Wishing you healing and happiness. If it makes you feel any less isolated, please know that your kindness calendars have brought happiness to so many people. You are in our thoughts every day. Hugs and blessings.

    1. Thank you so much Tiiu, It’s lovely to hear that. Your kind words have lifted my heart and spirits… and help to keep me inspired to continue once I feel up to it. Hugs to you Xxx

  11. I sincerely hope you’re feeling better soon! Sending all good thoughts and wishes from Los Angeles, California.

  12. Sorry to hear you are not well, especially as there is no kindness calendar for the month of June… would like to send you a kindness wish and hope you get better soon…..

  13. I really hope you feel better soon. It’s so hard when bad patches like this happen, and we have to give up what we could do for a while. Sending you lots of love xxx

    1. Thank you so much Sarah, it’s always so frustrating isn’t it. I’m holding onto ‘this too shall pass’ 🙂 Love and hugs to you Xxx

  14. Helen
    I am sorry to hear that you have been so poorly. You share so much kindness, that I hope that some kindness comes your way and you make a speedy recovery 🙂

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