Being grateful to be back!
Hello lovely. It’s been a long time since I last wrote a blog post. Well, it’s been almost three months, but it feels a lot longer.
After my one year blog-aversary post, I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and thought I’d take a break for a week or two. But then I had a big CFS relapse, which turned out to be the biggest crash I’ve had in a long time.
On top of feeling utterly wiped out and physically like I was back at square one, I was feeling disheartened, frustrated and deeply worried that I wasn’t making any progress in my recovery.
So I took the time I needed to rest, recuperate and recharge. And I took the time to sit with my more unhelpful feelings and gently work through them, trusting that when the time was right I would feel brighter and more positive again.
And I’m getting there. Slowly but surely. Turtle Power Style 🐢
Even though I’ve still been writing in my daily gratitude journal, I’ve recently found myself thinking how I’d like to write a blog post about something that’s made me happy that day. But I couldn’t because I hadn’t written that first post back yet.
I’ve been apprehensive about writing this first post because I felt it had to be something special, really special.
So I put it off for a day, and then another, and then another. And here we are.
Isn’t it crazy the amount of pressure we can put on ourselves sometimes?
But today, about half an hour ago, I suddenly realised that my first post in 3 months doesn’t have to be anything special at all. It can be just like all the others: just a little blog post about a little something that’s made me happy today.
And actually, I think that’s pretty special enough.
So here I am, just me, continuing to write about the everyday little things that make me happy. And today I’m happy that I’ve realised this!
Phew, what a relief.
And hooray! I’ve just taken that oh so difficult first step, which is always the hardest isn’t it. And it feels good. It feels really good 😊