Being kind to myself by being my own best friend:
Today I’m focusing on the wisdom from my ‘Louise Hay’s I Can Do It’ calendar: I am my own best friend. Other friends may come and go, but I am always here for me. I support myself in feeling good.
When I saw this, I instantly wished it had come later in the the 100 days, as I felt I couldn’t possible have both Days 1 and 2 as being kind to me. That’s a pretty selfish way to start this project.
But then I thought why not?
So instead, I’ve chosen to take it as a sign: lesson I need reminding of.
Being your own best friend is one of the most powerful lessons I’ve learnt on my self-growth journey so far.
I remember my self-love guru Louise Hay asking if you would ever talk to a friend like you talk to yourself.
It was a huge light bulb moment for me.
Ultimately, we have a choice: we can either be our own worst enemy or our own best friend. I know which I would prefer to choose, but is it that easy?
I follow two-step programme for being my own best friend: The first step is to listen and catch my inner voice, the dastardly inner critic, when it’s berating me. You know the one, it’s the voice that says things like: “Look at the size of your muffin top, you are so fat”, “Why did you say that?” or “You’re such an idiot.”
I was pretty shocked to witness how my inner critic could get really stuck into me. I know I’d be absolutely horrified if a friend told me that’s how they talk to themselves. So why should it be any different to how I talk to myself?
The next step, is to banish my inner critic by showing myself kindness, understanding, compassion and love. Whenever I catch my inner critic rearing it’s ugly head, I pause, take a deep breath, and think what I’d say to a beloved friend in the same situation.
It’s pretty liberating and so much nicer than telling myself off. Hopefully I’ve made a friend for life.
So with that in mind, my happy for today remembering to be my own best friend.