Being mindful of being gentle and kind with myself as I recuperate, recover and recharge:
The last few weeks have been pretty challenging for me, both physically and emotionally.
A few big social events, mixed with some emotional turbulence, and sprinkled with tensions at home, have triggered a flare up of my CFS symptoms.
It’s not surprisingly really.
I also lost my footing on my happy trail for a while. Thankfully I still looked for my happy, and have been writing in my gratitude journal, but I just haven’t felt like writing my ‘100 days of happy’ blog.
I felt myself spiralling down and letting old negative thought patterns resurface.
And that’s ok because life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and squiggly bits. But it’s how we respond to them that’s important.
As Oprah Winfrey asks: “Do you react to an obstacle as a negative, or do you embrace it as an opportunity to respond with the open-hearted knowledge that all will be well?”
So I’m giving myself permission to take as much time as I need to gently navigate my way through this and get myself back on track.
I’m focusing on being kind and gentle with myself. I’m calling on my healing tools to help get me through. And I know that this too shall pass and that all will be well.
So with this in mind, my happy for today is being mindful of being gentle and kind with myself as I recuperate, recover and recharge.