
Being grateful for making a new furry friend:

On a day where I’d expected to be feeling a little sad as some plans had fallen through, a little four-legged Westie appeared and turned my day around.

Lola is my Auntie and Uncle’s 2 year old fur baby, and they all paid us a surprise visit as they are currently holidaying in the nearby Derbyshire Dales.

I met Lola when she was only a few months old and she was an energetic, excitable ball of white fluff, bolting and bounding around our living room, non-stop.

She was craaaaazy!

Unfortunately, I find excessive noise and fast movement a challenge, due to the nature of the CFS, and so sadly had to spend most of that day hiding away in my bedroom.

For this visit, we were promised that Lola had calmed down and as it was a warm summer’s day this time, she would enjoy having the freedom of the garden.

When she first arrived, she manically darted around, exuberantly exploring the wonders of the garden and I thought her boundless energy would be too much for me again.



But thankfully she calmed down after a while and we soon became firm friends.


We played catch and fetch, although Lola hasn’t quite yet mastered the part about bringing the ball back – or maybe she has and is proving she’s nobody’s fool!

And as our friendship grew, she began teasing me by not letting me get to the ball or her new squeaking monkey ring toy. She gleefully even made me chase her around the garden a few times. And of course, that finished me off!




When I needed to go upstairs regularly for rest breaks, she sat poised, waiting for me to return so we could play all over again. Not long after lunch, I was too wiped out for the rest of the visit, but she insisted on one last run around the garden before they set back off the beautiful Dales.

I think it’s fair to say we both had a good day and I’m already looking forward to our next play date…


Day 8: My 4-legged friend

Being grateful for my new 4-legged friend Molly:

I have a new friend.

Her name is Molly and she’s gorgeous. She has the cutest face, soulful brown eyes, shaggy black hair, oh and four legs and a wagging tail.

We met on my walking meditation yesterday. I’ve seen Molly and her owner (now known as Molly’s Mum) a few times and we’ve smiled. Today, they stopped to let me go by. I hesitated, and Molly’s Mum took that for me being weary.

Which as much I hate to admit it, I was a little.

I love dogs. I am definitely a dog girl. But I was chased a few times by neighbours dogs when I was a little girl. I remember one chasing me across the road, jumping up at me and ripping my favourite dress. I was devastated and terrified. As an adult I can now see it’s playtime for them, but as a small child, I thought they were aiming to bite me.

Add to the mix my auntie and uncle having two huge alsatians. Did I mention they were HUGE? Whenever we visited they used to snarl at me and bark violently (or so it seemed to my little scared self) through the living room window as I perched on the settee, absolutely terrified they’d get into the house and rip me to shreds!

It’s no wonder I grew up a tad afraid.

Over the years, various friends’ dogs have calmed my fear and released my deep love. My favourite being Angus, the gentle shiatsu/poodle of a dear friend in Australia. We hung out loads, shared oodles of joyous cuddles, and I even looked after him one weekend – all by myself; a big step for me.

I do still have a slight hesitation and weariness when I first meet a dog, until I know it’s friendly. Then I’m all cuddles and kisses and belly rubs.

When Molly’s Mum assured me Molly is friendly, I asked if I could give her a fuss. We shared a few lovely minutes together and it was love at first cuddle.

Today I went for my soul stroll a little later, and saw them walking back on the other side of the brook. I shouted over hello to Molly’s Mum and then to Molly. She bounded towards to me, straining her lead so much that Molly’s mum had to let go of it, and leapt over the narrow brook towards me, her tail joyfully wagging.

I couldn’t believe she remembered me. I responded by giving her lots of love and fuss, including Helen’s infamous belly rub, which Angus adored and would instantly roll onto his back at first sight of me.

I walked away feeling really happy and uplifted. There really is something therapeutic about stroking and cuddling a dog.

I’m already hoping to see my new friend on my next soul stroll.

So with this in mind, my happy for today is being grateful for my new 4-legged friend Molly.