I am absolutely astounded and deeply heartened by the incredible response to my Kindness Advent Calendar and the amazing kindness ripple effect it has created.
With nearly 340,000 downloads, a potential 8.5 million acts of kindness have taken place around the world.
☆ Eight and a half million acts of kindness ☆
How brilliant is that!
My heart is overflowing with gratitude to everyone who has taken part… and have shared the calendar with others. I’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to every single person who has completed even just one more act of kindness… thank you for making a difference, you really are AMAZING.
I’ve absolutely loved reading about your kindness experiences and hearing how much you’ve enjoyed doing them. And I must confess, I’ve often shed a happy tear or two.
Hand on heart, I truly believe that together we are making the world a kinder place.
And so, why stop there?
I’ve been thinking how a kindness calendar doesn’t have to be just for Christmas, and how absolutely amazing it would be if we kept this huge kindness ripple effect going throughout the whole of 2017.. and beyond!
So, I’m going to be creating a Kindness Calendar each month and would love for you to join me.
Here is January’s Kindness Calendar…
To download your free copy, please click on this link: Kindness-Calendar-January-2017.pdf (66055 downloads )
Again, I’ve made each kindness act quick, easy and mostly free (or really cheap!) so anyone and everyone can take part.
You may want to mix it up and swap the acts around, or even create your own kindness acts. And don’t worry if you can’t do an act of kindness every single day, sometimes it’s just not possible as I know too well with the nature of my CFS flare ups.
Every single extra act of kindness counts, so let’s get as many people as we can involved.
It was because of lovely you so kindly sharing the Kindness Advent Calendar that helped keep the kindness ripple effect going and reaching so far and wide.
And so I’d like to ask for your help again. It would be really brilliant and deeply appreciated if you could share this with family, friends, work colleagues, classmates… and share all over social media too 🙂
And don’t forget to join me on my kindness community page on Facebook, and I’m even on Twitter too (although I still don’t really know what I’m doing, but I’ll get there!).
Let’s have fun, and let’s remember to be kinder to ourselves as well, we are definitely worth it!
Thank you so much.
I’m going to be taking a little break from my blog and social media in January.
Unfortunately my Chronic Fatigue Symptoms have flared up after all the activity and excitement of the last few weeks. I have to practise kindness to myself by concentrating on my health and feeling the best I possible can, so I can come back ready to continue spreading a little more kindness.
Please do keep on sharing your kindness experiences, thoughts and ideas – I know how we all love to read them, and they really do help keep us inspired.
Have a wonderful and kind January.
Big hugs to you, love Helen Xxx