Being kind by paying for a strangers car parking by leaving money in the ticket machine:
This morning I took a soul stroll in the rain into my local town centre. As I was cutting through the town’s biggest car park, I decided to put some money in the ticket machines to pay for someone’s parking.
The idea is that the next person coming to the machine to pay would find they had two free hours of parking to enjoy on me! And to help explain this Act of Kindness, they would see my Kindness Cards with the message:
“Enjoy some free parking time on me! Have a lovely day Xxx”
I did this for all three of the ticket machines in the car park, in the hope of making three locals smile on this dreary wet Monday morning.
I also wrote this blog address on the card, just in case they are curious. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they visited this blog and left a comment…
But if not, that’s absolutely fine too – my intention is to spread kindness in my community without expecting anything in return.
So with this in mind, my happy for today is being kind by paying for a strangers car parking by leaving money in the ticket machine.