Act of kindness #17: Mirror messages

Having recharged enough energy to take myself into the city for a brunch date this morning, I couldn’t resist planting some kindness messages I’d written on my Kindness Cards around the city.

First up was in the bathroom of the delicious deli I had brunch in:

Mirro message in deli

Next was on the mirror in the changing rooms while I tried on some pjs:

MIrror message changing rooms

Then I popped one on the mirror of the bathroom in my fave café which makes the best coffee in the city:

Mirror message cafe

And finally I stuck one on the wing mirror of a car parked in the city centre:

Mirror message wing mirror
I really hope my mirror kindness messages have made a few folk smile on this the first day of summer; especially as people are feeling a tad fed up as it’s been raining cats and dogs for days and days.


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