Being grateful for turbo Thomas time:
I. Am. Exhausted.
But, very happy.
Due to the recent family holidays, today was the first time we’ve looked after my three-year-old nephew in four weeks.
And I’d forgotten what a tornado Thomas can be.
He’s just started going to nursery in the mornings, so we now only have him from noon, with his older brother Callum arriving after school at 3:30pm.
After an hour or so inside with his Granddad, Thomas came out to join me in the garden, and it was time for some serious fun.
In the short space of around 45 minutes we covered: chalk art on the patio; hopscotch – going up to 28 under Thomas’ strict instructions, we’d have gone much further if the garage door hadn’t got in the way; blowing and catching bubbles; chasing his own shadow; and running fast around and around and around in circles with me chanting ‘Go Thomas!”.
I was thankful for a short break while he devoured one of my healthy ice creams (made with banana, strawberry, milk and love).
I was left feeling completely wiped out, but I loved every single minute of it.
I know I need to pace myself better next week, as I was too wiped out to play with Callum but thankfully I did manage some quiet reading time with him.
I adore these precious moments with my nephews, and make sure I give myself over to them during play time. I’m always conscious about being completely present with them (see Day 22 for more on this). I wholeheartedly believe it’s the biggest gift I can give them and I know they appreciate it as much as I do.
So with this in mind, my happy for today is being grateful for turbo playtime with Thomas.